Fight Back Against A Cut To The Minimum Wage For Tipped Employees

The extremists in charge of the Florida Legislature think $4.65-per-hour is just too much for waiters and waitresses to be making. Their latest scheme would slash the hourly wages of tip earners, like restaurant employees, parking attendants, hotel workers and food delivery workers, from $4.65 to $ 2.13 in order to give special breaks to the big business buddies on Wall Street. The savings from this reduced wage will go directly into the pockets of CEOs at restaurants like Chili’s® and Outback Steakhouse®.

This is wrong, and we need your help getting the word out so we can stop them in their tracks. The next time you eat out, leave behind this “tip” for wait staff in addition to your cash tip. This will let restaurant employees know about this legislative attack and give them the tools to fight back. Working families need assistance, not cuts to their basic pay. This is unfair, unbalanced and would cause economic pain in households and communities across Florida. Help us get the word out today.

Take action and download our tip cards for wait staff and then write a letter to the Florida Senate opposing this unfair pay cut.