Trump’s Budget: A Wish List for the Wealthy, A Nightmare for Florida

The White House official 2018 budget titled, “A New Foundation for American Greatness” reads more like a new plan to kill the American dream for working families. It includes some of the steepest budget cuts the country has ever seen. The victims of these cuts? Florida’s poor, the environment, and our children.
AFL-CIO Calls Members to Action

On a national conference call with Regional, State and Local union leaders and activists, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka laid out the AFL-CIO’s plan of defense against the coming attacks lead by Trump and his toxic cabinet picks.
Income Increase In Census Report Is A Boon For Small Business

Small businesses have already begun to feel the impact on their bottom line as incomes surged to near pre-recession levels. The boost in household income is one factor in recently reported increases in consumer spending, particularly in the retail and food service sectors.
Yes on Amendment 4

A YES vote on Amendment 4 lowers solar energy costs by lowering taxes on solar installations.
Recurring Tax Cuts Will Reduce Investments for Years to Come

… the decisions made about tax cuts in this legislative session will impact the amount available for appropriations to meet state needs not only this year, but also future years.
Paid For, Never Redeemed

State Savings in Florida’s Medicaid Program Due to Floridians’ Lagging Incomes Are More Than Sufficient to Fund the Extension of Coverage to 800,000 Uninsured, Low-Income Adults.
Scott Budget: Tax Cuts Consume Growth Dollars, Leaving Little for Investments in State Services

Governor Rick Scott’s budget proposal for the 2016-17 fiscal year is notable for one stark fact: It proposes spending more than twice as much money from general revenue growth on tax cuts than on increasing funding for vital state services.
Threadbare Mental Health System Exemplifies the Case Against Tax Cuts

Even the relatively few who are eligible to receive services ultimately fall into the numerous gaps in Florida’s publicly funded mental health system.
The Great Surplus Myth – Redux

So how much is the surplus? $635 million? $1.3 billion? In reality…THERE IS NO SURPLUS!
Unions: Reversing the Dyson Effect

All of Florida benefits when families have the opportunity to move-up the economic ladder and attain the American Dream. That economic ladder is only as strong or as weak as the collective bargaining foundation it is built on.