The Rideshare Risk: Safety and Transit in the age of Uber

What’s concerning is that corporate app backers neglect to highlight an important fact to riders. The reason they can offer such competitive rates is because they are actively exploiting loopholes that allow them to evade traditional driver training and screening requirements that ensure a rider’s safety.
Keith Perry on Florida’s Water: “It’s Not a Crisis”

Florida’s decades-long water crisis is well documented and getting worse.
Vote NO on Utility-Backed Amendment 1

A wolf in sheep’s clothing, Amendment 1 is a slick, misleading, multi-million-dollar advertising campaign designed to unfairly limit solar energy production and maintain the existing monopoly on electricity controlled by only a few large corporations.
Rep. Dana Young’s Ties to Mosaic Fertilizer Spell Disaster for Florida’s Water

This behavior follows the larger trend where special interests pollute at will while everyday Floridians pay the price. Why? Because big polluters don’t have to worry about state lawmakers holding them accountable. In this case, it’s Rep. Dana Young (R-Tampa)
Income Increase In Census Report Is A Boon For Small Business

Small businesses have already begun to feel the impact on their bottom line as incomes surged to near pre-recession levels. The boost in household income is one factor in recently reported increases in consumer spending, particularly in the retail and food service sectors.
Verizon Strike Solidarity in the South

Verizon is trying to change workers schedules and cut their pay not out of financial hardship, but blatant corporate greed.
Inhumane: My Experience at a For-Profit Immigrant Detention Center

I went on a trip with a local faith based advocacy group to visit immigrants being held at Corrections Corporation of America’s (CCA) Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, GA. What I witnessed was truly inhumane.
Is Your Boss a Wage Grinch?

Stealing from employees is just wrong but that doesn’t stop a boss who’s a Grinch. Not only do they make off with your hard-earned cash but they steal your hope of ever recovering it too.
Small businesses: Making the case for livable wages

In fact, new research finds that the benefits most sought by workers actually profit businesses, leading many small businesses to embrace the very policies that big businesses, and their cache of lobbyists, disparage.
On Labor Day, Talk About #RaisetheWage

Labor Day not only reminds us of the struggles American workers endured throughout history, but also of the ongoing struggle for fair wages in Florida…