Accountability matters. Put students first and tell your Senator to vote “NO” on Vouchers NOW! #BetterSchoolsFL
“Some legislators claim the new bill includes accountability for voucher students to be tested. But testing alone is not the answer. Plus, there are so many loopholes in the bill you could drive a school bus through them!
If state leaders really care about quality education for all students then kids attending private schools paid for with your tax dollars should take the same test as public school students. If it’s good for public school students, it should be good for private school students.
Parents deserve the assurance that their child is getting a quality education. Parents can only make an informed decision if all schools are held to the same high standards and the same accountability systems.
Tell legislators that voucher school students should take the same test as public school students. Tell them you oppose tax dollars going to private and religious school voucher expansion.”