Reel in closed door deals: Stop the TPP

Owning a small business in America is a dream come true, but it does not come without challenges.
The Ban on PLAs: A Bad Soap Opera

It reads like a bad soap opera. A local municipality is seduced by an out-of-town construction firm for a big public works project because they are the “low bidder”. (Roll Barry White soundtrack) The relationship starts off steamy but quickly erodes. The “low bidder” says all the right things and makes all the right promises. […]
Committee Meeting for the Secrecy Bill, March 4, 2015
The Florida Senate continued its push this week to take university job searches for presidents, provosts, and deans out of the sunshine so that these critical decisions could be made in the backrooms and cocktail bars of state politics. SB 182 would exempt portions of the search process from Florida’s cherished Sunshine and open records […]
Save Small Businesses from the TPP: Stop Fast Track!
The purpose of American trade policy should be to help American businesses thrive and create good jobs at home. It should not be a giant giveaway to big corporations that can make more money by sending jobs overseas and avoiding taxes while we are left to foot the bill. The Chamber of Commerce and the […]
Here’s What’s Wrong with TPP
Congress will soon consider legislation to give the President “Fast Track” Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). As the President of the Northwest Florida Federation of Labor, which represents thousands working families in Northwest Florida, this is cause for grave concern. Past trade deals have a poor track record and are known job killers (including 118,000 jobs […]
TP the TPP: Good, Bad and Ugly
The Good The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is billed as a 21st century trade agreement that will expand economic opportunity for American workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses. TPP is on track to be the largest international trade agreement with promises to boost economic growth, support American jobs, and grow Made-in-America exports to some of the […]
The Most Important Thing Happening in Tallahassee
We bet that you don’t know that one of the most important things going on in Tallahassee during Legislative Session is the Working Family Lobby Corps. That’s right, the WFLC. Every year, hundreds of workers and their family members participate in the WFLC to bring their concerns directly to their legislators. Without the WFLC, the […]
7 Top Takeaways for Florida Families from the State of the Union
Missed the President’s State of the Union address? No problem, the Fight Blog has you covered. Here are the top 7 proposals President Obama spoke about affecting Florida’s working families. Immigration – The President cautioned Congress that any attempts to neutralize his Executive Orders will be vetoed. His Executive Orders have given millions of undocumented […]