Recurring Tax Cuts Will Reduce Investments for Years to Come

… the decisions made about tax cuts in this legislative session will impact the amount available for appropriations to meet state needs not only this year, but also future years.
To find conservation leaders, go to the polls in November

The Senate’s current budget proposal provides only $22.3 million (one tenth of a penny) for buying conservation lands compared to the $300 million historically allocated to Florida Forever. Voters intended for Water and Land Conservation Amendment to at least restore Florida Forever funding closer to historic levels.
Paid For, Never Redeemed

State Savings in Florida’s Medicaid Program Due to Floridians’ Lagging Incomes Are More Than Sufficient to Fund the Extension of Coverage to 800,000 Uninsured, Low-Income Adults.
Scott Budget: Tax Cuts Consume Growth Dollars, Leaving Little for Investments in State Services

Governor Rick Scott’s budget proposal for the 2016-17 fiscal year is notable for one stark fact: It proposes spending more than twice as much money from general revenue growth on tax cuts than on increasing funding for vital state services.
It Is Time To Show State Workers Some Respect

As you would expect, it takes a lot to keep our state moving forward. That task falls to the hardworking men and women who serve in state government. And leaders across the state, on both sides of the political aisle, are asking the question if we are investing enough in these dedicated employees.
Threadbare Mental Health System Exemplifies the Case Against Tax Cuts

Even the relatively few who are eligible to receive services ultimately fall into the numerous gaps in Florida’s publicly funded mental health system.
The Great Surplus Myth – Redux

So how much is the surplus? $635 million? $1.3 billion? In reality…THERE IS NO SURPLUS!
Fracking in Florida Will Change our State Forever

Hydraulic Fracturing or Fracking will be a hot button issue in the 2016 legislative session.
How Big Business is Screwing Florida’s Unemployed

Florida’s Unemployment Insurance system is the worst in the nation. Most unemployed workers never qualify and those who do don’t receive…
Taxpayers Want Transparency, Not TPA

If you had to sign a contract on something really important, say a contract of employment or purchasing an expensive service, you’d probably want to read it in detail before pen touched paper right? Well, multinational corporations don’t seem to think that’s necessary for Americans when it comes to negotiating sweeping global trade deals. In […]