Community Changemakers: “Fighting for a better quality of life.”

In our latest Community Changemakers, Michelle Guerin, Field Representative for the Southwest Chapter of the South Florida AFL-CIO, sits down with former Ironworker, Larry Aguilar, to talk about labor, apprenticeships, immigration reform and local community work that’s helping provide new opportunities for disenfranchised youth in the Ft. Myers area.

To find conservation leaders, go to the polls in November

The Senate’s current budget proposal provides only $22.3 million (one tenth of a penny) for buying conservation lands compared to the $300 million historically allocated to Florida Forever. Voters intended for Water and Land Conservation Amendment to at least restore Florida Forever funding closer to historic levels.

Paid For, Never Redeemed

State Savings in Florida’s Medicaid Program Due to Floridians’ Lagging Incomes Are More Than Sufficient to Fund the Extension of Coverage to 800,000 Uninsured, Low-Income Adults.

It Is Time To Show State Workers Some Respect

As you would expect, it takes a lot to keep our state moving forward. That task falls to the hardworking men and women who serve in state government. And leaders across the state, on both sides of the political aisle, are asking the question if we are investing enough in these dedicated employees.

Scottcare: Florida “Open for Business”

Who does Rick really work for?: That’s a good question, because it’s really tough for Florida’s working families to trust Rick’s flipping positions on healthcare policy. The Governor who’s former private company saw the largest Medicare fraud in the nations history, [i] has spent most of his time in office convincing the taxpayers that over […]