Want to Fix Florida’s So-Called “Hiring Crisis”? Invest in Working People
Florida’s businesses are beginning to fully reopen after over a year of diminished demand and adjusted schedules during the COVID-19 pandemic and are finding themselves

Amendment 2: A Step Forward For Florida’s Working People
This year, the people of Florida have the opportunity to move Florida forward by voting Yes on Amendment 2. If passed, Amendment 2 would institute a $15 minimum wage over a gradual period.

“We’re Modeling Resiliency”: United Teachers of Dade President on the Return to Schools
As Miami’s education professionals, my colleagues and I in United Teachers of Dade are expanding our lessons from the classroom to the entire community because we are facing issues that threaten our collective well-being. Since the COVID-19 pandemic took root in the United States, our teachers, district staff, and security personnel have been advocating non-stop for a science-based public policy approach guided by medical experts and data.

The Postal Service Is One of America’s Most Trusted Institutions. So Why Is Trump Trying to Kill It?
Every day, the United States Postal Service delivers hundreds of thousands of pieces of mail to every corner of the country. The USPS is one of America’s longest-running and most trusted public institutions. It’s served the American people through wars, depressions, and pandemics. Their deliveries are a lifeline in keeping our communities running, delivering everything from letters to loved ones, medical supplies and prescriptions for veterans and those unable to leave home, and packages for small businesses. So why is the current administration trying to kill it?

Climate Change and Labor are Intertwined
Florida is experiencing a climate emergency. Temperatures continue to increase, sea levels are rising, flooding is displacing communities, and intensified storms threaten both our coasts and inland areas. These cascading effects touch every aspect of Floridian’s daily lives: our health, water resources, and work.

Values Over Money: Joe Biden Shows Real Leadership For Puerto Rico’s Future
Coming on the first few days of Hispanic Heritage Month, and largely tailored towards the influential voting bloc of Puerto Ricans across battleground states, dueling proposals from the two campaigns have captured much fanfare.
The similarities between Republican and Democratic policy agendas end there. They really show how one presidential candidate, Joe Biden, is a true statesman, while President Trump remains the same conman we were warned about in 2016.

All Eyes on Florida’s Online Voter Registration System
Voting is one of the most powerful actions that citizens can undertake. Our responsibility to improve our collective wellbeing and affect change by participating in

UAW Strike Show Labors Demise Was Greatly Exaggerated
For the last 22 days, United Auto Workers (UAW) members have been walking the picket line in support of better healthcare, wages and treatment of part-time employees. The support nationwide for the strike shows that working people are realizing the power they have.
🚨Stop the Attack on YOUR Constitutional Rights!🚨
The Florida Legislature is up to their old tricks by trying to stop your voice in the Democratic process. Sign the petition to let them know we will not allow this attack on our Constitutional Rights!

Florida’s Federal Workers Demand Leaders #StopTheShutdown
On the 20th day of being forced to work without pay, federal workers in North Florida brought their voices straight to the halls of power in Tallahassee to demand an end to the government shutdown.

An Agenda for Florida’s Workers, 2018-19
It has been years since Florida’s workers have had an ally in the governor’s mansion. While the economy has been growing under Rick Scott, pay has been flat and living costs have been rising, leaving millions of families just a missed paycheck away from economic crisis. Those who have been underpaid, injured on the job or laid off – even after a natural disaster – have been left stranded by the state’s broken systems. Florida’s working families deserve a governor who will fight for them by promoting good jobs with fair pay and safe workplaces for the state’s eight million workers.

Local Building & Construction Trade Unions Reach Out to Community with Career Opportunities
The Florida West Coast Apprenticeship Council will reach out to the community about the opportunities and career paths their trainings provide. On Thursday, May 10th, they will be working with faith and community leaders in the African American community to host an apprenticeship career fair at the NFL YET Center (3310 E Lake Ave, Tampa) from 10AM – 1PM. Members of the community will be able to talk to apprenticeship coordinators from local unions about apprenticeship programs that offer paid training, skills and industry certifications, and a path to a successful career with high pay and unrivaled benefits.